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Roller Brushes for Winter Maintenance

Roller brushes for winter maintenance are specifically developed for snow removal with road sweepers and other applications where it is important that the bristles do not become clogged with debris from the sweeping process.

The brushes do not have a full fill, but a partial fill, often spiral, so that the bristles do not become clogged with the swept material, including snow or slush. The gaps in the fill allow the brush to rotate freely.

The material mix and bristle arrangement of our sweeping brushes are specially designed for high speeds, humidity and low temperatures.

We produce centrifugal brushes for all sweepers and broom rings with spiral trim, which are mounted like disc brooms (brush discs).

Centrifugal brushes are used for winter sweeping. Sweepers with disc brush carriers can also be used for winter maintenance by using brush rings.

More about our sweeper rollers


Winter maintenance brush

Skid roller sweeper
Skid roller sweeper

Centrifugal brush
Centrifugal brush